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Content Essence Learning objectives The foreign exchange market in a nutshell Organisational structure of the forex market Monetary unit Foreign exchange and bank deposits International spot rate quotation conventions Two-way spot prices Spread Cross rates Foreign exchange risk: appreciation and depreciation Spot and derivative forex markets Why exchange rates are important Summary Bibliography Derivatives: forwards Learning objectives Introduction Derivatives markets Definition of a forward Types of forwards Outright forward foreign exchange contracts: functions and pricing Forward exchange market Summary Bibliography Derivatives: futures, options swaps Learning objectives Introduction Currency futures Currency options Currency swaps Summary Bibliography Risks other than currency risk other risk management tools Learning objectives Introduction Risks other than currency risk in investments Other risk mangement tools Summary Bibliography Participants Learning objectives Introduction Authorised dealer banks Foreign exchange brokers Foreign banks Central bank Government Retail clients Non-bank pwkistan dealers Corporate sector Arbitrageurs Speculators Summary Bibliography Effect on money stock money market liquidity Learning objectives Introduction Money identity Money market identity Purchases forex trading brokers in pakistan tresemme sales of forex, M and the liquidity shortage Forward market operations tresemmd the central bank Forex swaps by the central bank Summary Endnotes About pwkistan Author Alexander Pierre Faure graduated from Elsenburg Agricultural College after school and forex trading brokers in pakistan tresemme on to Stellenbosch University where he graduated with BA (Commerce), Hons BA (Economics), MA (Economics), and PhD (Economics). 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